Saturday, February 10, 2007

Beautiful yes... but those are the wrong doors...
they are spice and spice is evil!
Spice makes Talli crazy! So just say no to Spice!!!
Beautiful house body paint and trim!! hehehe body paint... like Playboy!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Good morning Braxton and Aspen

Cameron Hanes, a big game hunter from the Outdoor Channel,
Braxton and Rob at the Denver Sportsman Show
Rob getting ready for the painting party at his new house!

Waiting for paint to dry...

Talli painting her bedroom

Rob painting Kim's room.... the color is Denver Poo!

Rob painting the hall bathroom

The house is really coming along!

Traci painting my room
the color you ask...
Denver Poo!
Talli is the best painter.... EVER!

Traci helping out with painting at Rob and Talli's new home...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Talli and Rob

Rob and Talli ready for their cowboy party.

Rob and Talli ready to brave the cold Colorado weather!

Rob and Talli horsing around!

Rob and Talli getting some goodies!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Terry spent a good deal of time taking care of the dogs...
I believe he became very fond of all 3.